Friday, 6 May 2011

Lesson Plan on Subject - Verb - Agreement

Form                         : 2B                                                                        Time : 1.50 - 2.25 p.m.
Level                         : Intermediate
Theme                       : Health
Topic                         : Grammar - Subject Verb Agreement
Objective                   : To teach students Subject - Verb - Agreement
Learning Outcomes    : By the end of the lesson, students should be able to :
                                  1) identify the correct use of subject-verb-agreement in sentences
                                  2) practicesubject-verb-agreement form in sentences of healthy lifestyle

Moral Values             : Cooperation
Educational Emphasis : CCTS and MI
Instructional Aids       : A computer / netbook, a projector, slides of pictures
Previous Knowledge : Students have learnt singular and plural nouns, and verbs
References                : Shanta, R., Kurup, U. & Lorenz, S. (2003) KBSM English Form 2.
                                       Selangor: Ministry of Education Malaysia.

Instructional Activity
Learning Activity
Set Induction
1.          Teacher greets the students.
2.         Teacher introduces today’s topic and activities.

1. Students greet teacher.
Activity 1

  1. Teacher shows slides of pictures on daily healthy routine of a girl.
  2. Teacher tells brief story about the girl in the pictures and the importance of practicing healthy routine.
  3. Teacher asks few students randomly to describe the actions done by the girl in the pictures.
  4. Teacher jots down students’ answers on the whiteboard.
  5. Teacher discusses students’ answers and tells them if the sentences are grammatically correct.
  6. Teacher recapitulates a brief lesson on singular and plural nouns, and verbs.
  7. Teacher teaches the rules of Subject-Verb-Agreement.
  8. Teacher asks students to copy down notes on Subject-Verb-Agreement she wrote on the whiteboard in their exercise books.

Activity 2

  1. Teacher explains the students are going to have group work.
  2. Teacher explains students are going to create a short story of healthy lifestyle using the correct form of subject-verb-agreement in groups.
  3. Teacher instructs the students to get themselves into four groups consist of five people.
  4. Teacher allocates 10 minutes for the students to complete the task.
  5. Teacher asks every group to present their stories in front of the class. They may use their own creativity to make a role play.
  6. Teacher gives comments for every presentation.

1.  Students listen to teacher’s story.

2.            The chosen students describe the actions of the girl.

3.            Students discuss their answers with teacher.

4.         Students copy teacher’s notes of subject-verb-agreement.

1.  Students listen to teacher’s instructions.

2.            Students get into their groups.

3.            Students complete the task given.

4.            Every group presents their story in front of the class.

  1. Teacher wraps up the lesson by asking students what they have learnt and the moral values gained.

1.            Students respond to teacher’s questions.

Subject is who or what does the action.
Verb is a word which shows action or state of being.

Subject is often a noun, and can be singular or plural.

Singular Nouns (one)                                                   Plural Nouns (more than one/many)
- I, You, He, She, Siti                                                 - They, We, Amir and I

Basic Rules : Singular subject takes a singular verb, a plural subject takes a plural verb.

Hint : Verbs do not form their plurals by adding 's' as nouns do. In order to determine which verb should you use, you must always refer to the subject.

Examples :

  • He (singular subject) writes (singular verb) a blog entry every day.
  • Siti (singular subject) reads (singular verb) a book before she (singular subject) enters (singular verb) the class.
  • I (singular subject) love (singular verb) chocolate.
  • We (plural subject) talk (plural verb) excitedly.
  • They (plural subject) are (plural verb) ambitious students.

    A verb must agree with its subject.
    Singular subject + singular verb, Plural subject + plural verb

    Review this note as many times as you want because you are going to take a test
    in  the next entry :)

    Happy Learning,
    Super Grammar.

    Let's Practice : Verbs

    My dear students,
    I found an exciting game on verbs on the Internet!
    I bet you are going to love it as much as I do.

    The game looks like this :

    Exciting enough?
    Let's play and practice!

    Click here to play :)
    While playing, why don't we listen to this catchy song.

    Lesson Plan on Verbs

    Form                          : 2D                                                                   Time : 1.10 - 1.50 p.m.
    Level                          : Beginner Intermediate
    Theme                        : People and Social Issues
    Topic                         : Grammar Component - Verbs
    Objective                   : To teach students the introduction of verbs
    Learning Outcomes    : By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
                                      1) identify verbs and give examples of verbs
                                      2) use verbs appropriately
    Moral Values             : Cooperation, Honest
    Educational Emphasis : CCTS and MI
    Language Content      : Verbs
    Previous Knowledge  : Students have learned nouns.
    Instructional Aids       : YES board made of manila card
    References                : Shanta, R., Kurup, U. & Lorenz, S. (2003) KBSM English Form 2.
                                            Selangor: Ministry of Education Malaysia.

    Instructional Activity
    Learning Activity
    Set Induction
    1. Teacher greets the students.
    2. Teacher lists out some of verbs on the whiteboard.
    3. Teacher then asks the students if they know what the words listed in front are called.
    4. Teacher introduces today’s topic.

    1. Students greet the teacher.

    1. Students respond to teacher’s question.
    Activity 1

    1. Teacher explains the definition and the purposes of verbs.
    2. Teacher gives examples of sentences using verbs on the whiteboard.
    3. Teacher asks few students randomly to give their own examples of verbs.
    4. Teacher responds to students’ answers.
    5. Teacher asks the students to write down the definition, purposes, and the rules of verbs in their exercise books.

    Activity 2

    1. After finished writing down the notes, teacher mentions they are going to play a game based on ‘BINGO’ game. Teacher asks if they are familiar with ‘BINGO’ game.
    2.  Teacher explains the rules of the game. Every group will be given opportunities to choose a number from the YES board. Teacher will read out the question. One of the group members which chose the number will have to answer the question. They are allowed to discuss in team. If the group manages to answer the question correctly, the group and the other groups also get to scratch out the number chosen from the YES boards. The scratched numbers will be written on the whiteboard. The procedure continues to the other groups.
    3. The group who manages to come out with complete YES either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally wins the game. In order to win, the group has to shout ‘YES!’ to indicate they completed the YES.
    4. Next, teacher instructs students to get themselves into four groups consists of five people in a group and distributes a YES board to every group and begins the game.
    5. When there is group shouts ‘YES!’ teacher checks the group’s YES board and declares if the group is a winner or not.
    6. If there is time, the game may continue for the next round.

    1. The chosen students give their own examples of verbs.

    1. Students write down the definition, purposes, and the rules of verbs in their exercise books.

    1. Students respond to teacher’s question.

    1. Students listen carefully to teacher’s instructions of playing the game.

    1. Students get into their groups and play the game.
    1. Teacher congratulates the winners.
    2. Teacher recapitulates the lesson by asking students what have they learnt on today’s lesson and the moral values they gained.
    3. Teacher distributes worksheets on verbs as homework.

    1. The winners thanked the teacher.
    2. Students give response to teachers’ questions.


    Verbs can be divided into two categories :

    1) Normal Verbs 
    refer to physical actions which you can see someone is doing.

    Example : 1. I eat dinner every day.
    2. She talks to her cat before she brushes her teeth.

    2) Non-Continuous Verbs
    refer to things you cannot see someone is doing.

    Abstract Verbs
    to be, to want, to contain

    Possession Verbs
    to own, to possess, to belong

    Emotional Verbs
    to feel, to like, to hate, to agree

    An example of YES board



    Taken from here.
    When you have finished answering the worksheet, you may discuss the answers 
    with your English teacher.

    Let's Practice : Determiners - Articles

    Hello students!

    This time around, I would like you to meet my friend, Grammarman.
    Grammarman and me together have the same goal which are to help students learning grammar and to fight those who responsible for bad grammar.

    Grammarman faced with an unusual problem recently.
    Can you help him? 

    So, here is the task that Grammarman needs you to complete.
    Remember! The blanks must be filled with articles A, An or The.
    Good luck!

    1) There's ____ unusual problem in Verbo City. 

    2) "____ army of ants has appeared from nowhere and they're stealing all of ____ articles"

    3) This is ___ job for Grammarman! 

    4) "I wish there was ___ way of communicating with these 'Article Ants'"

    5) "Hey! It spoke, and it sounded like ____ same language Syntax speaks"

    6) "Bzzt - they've been talking for more than ___ hour - bzzt!"

    7) "Follow me, ____ Article Ants have ___ nest in ___ park, we can meet ___ Queen ant"

    8) "So this where all ___ missing articles are"

    9) "Grammarman, ____ Article Ants crashed here two weeks ago"

    10) "It's ____ UFO! These ants are from space!"

    Follow the adventure of Grammarman here :)

    Determiners: Articles

    Hi everyone!

    Are you familiar with Articles?
    Here I provide you with brief explanation about Articles.
    If you feel unclear about this, do not hesitate to place a question. 
    I am more than happy to help :)

    The good news is there are only three articles in English which are :

    Used if the first letter of the next word starts with a consonant (not a vowel a, e, i, o, u)
    • “Please bring me a pen.”

    Used if the first letter of the next word starts with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u)
    • “Look, that is an apple on the table.”

    A, An
    Used before nouns that introduced something or someone for the first time or to refer to something that is not specific.
    • "I saw an elephant this morning."

    • "I ate a banana for lunch."

    A, An
    Used before adjectives, or to say it belongs to a particular group.
    • “You have a nice house.”

    • “What an expensive car!”

    A, An
    Used to talk about someone’s profession
    • “My wife is an optician.”

    • “She works as a doctor.”

    Used when talking about something specific, or if there is only one.
    • “Can you turn on the television?”

    • “How many people have walked on the moon?”

    Used to talk about rivers, seas, oceans, and buildings
    • The Nile
    • The White House
    • The Atlantic Ocean

    Used when you have already mentioned the thing you are talking about.
    • “She’s got two children; a girl and a boy. The girl is eight and the boy is six.”

    Please make full use of this note, students.
    I have to fight Grammar-zilla now! 
    If you are using bad grammar, I am afraid Grammar-zilla will come to you next. Be careful!

    Till then,
    Super Grammar.

    Thursday, 5 May 2011

    Getting to Know Grammar

    What is grammar?

    Grammar is a set of rules of a language.

    Why do we need to learn grammar?

    This is the most frequent question asked to me.
    We need to learn grammar :

    1) Because grammar can help you learn a language quickly and more efficiently!

    2) Because grammar assists you convey your message precisely. 
    You don't want people to misunderstand you, do you? ;)

    3) Because having good grammar is hot. Yes, you heard it right. 
    See the shirt below :

    Therefore, think and treat grammar as your friend.
    When you understand the grammar of a language, you can understand many things yourself, 
    without having to ask a teacher, or look in a book.

    Happy Learning!

    Wednesday, 4 May 2011

    Rescue Please!

    Hello students! 

    Are you having difficulties? 
    Do you need help completing your grammar exercises?

    Afraid not. Super Grammar is right here, to the rescue! 

    Do stay together with Super Grammar to learn all about grammar :)

    Super Grammar signs off!